How sad for your soul
and those souls who died
surely they must have felt
so mystified
Stephane Gendron
in Huntingdon town
killed many stray cats
he just mowed them down
an “urban plague”
this is life, mate and so
there are lots of people too
as we all know
but we don’t run around
with a pick up do we
and kill off a few
we let them be
stray cats need help
it a human creation
we had the pets
then went on vacation
we made the problem
it our problem not there’s
and we must be kind to them
answer their prayers
not accelerate and kill them or maim
that behaviour of yours
is bound to inflame
its terrible judgement
and you should resign
I am sorry but you
put yourself on the line
All those dead cats
run over by you
behind the wheel
of a puck up truck too
what chance would they have
what pain would they feel
some would limp off and die
and just try and conceal
their feelings my goodness
how cruel are you too
take on the strays
and do what you did do
as a Mayor you need heart
and clearly you show
a different perspective
and now we all know