I get to thinking fashion
and exposure
style and freedom to truly create
something wonderful that people
wish to wear
to almost well to sort of
but do we really want to be
like those souls
who are they anyway
what do they feel
we wear their clothes
we kind of like their label
but does it really truthfully
do we take on those
fine characteristics
does the shadow that they cast
who we are or who we
might ascribe to be
why is it we believe
we could have some
some of what they are
and do we really
want to take on
that persona anyway
and to hear that
that designer incorporates
dog fur and
that he makes the
sweet loyal canines pay
breaks my heart like
like the finest ever crystal
how is it possible
that I could be
drawn into a look
that encompasses such a thought
that shows me that heart was wrong
to see
those dogs who roamed
wherever became sacrificial lambs
they never knew why
neither now can I
realise how strange I feel
that their skin touches my skin
and its because of you
we now both die
How it came to be
it matters not a jot
the aura that is you
found its way into my very being
into my eyes
allowing me to see
Designer you aligned
your spirit to mine
Designer all that trust
I had in you
is broken now
in many tiny pieces
and I am able
to really take the view
the sadness and the
unabated solace
that now I share
because of what I hear
one of the furry brethren
are now hiding in your aura
and I now confirm
so is its tear
apparent in my eye
and that’s forever
for never will I wear
your clothes again
never will I trust
in your fine judgement
for out of that
and I have to say
that I now share so much pain