Wolves appear to be getting
flack from all sides
their environment is clearly under fire
what they catch is also
sought by hunters
and that means man gets
a big share of ire
which of course then complicates
the issue
ranchers get stressed out
if cows are lost
sometimes they are taken
one of the wolf’s
problems, one that really and
truthfully does cost
to be hungry and go shopping
in his habitat
which man decides
is his, habitat too
he wants to farm his livestock
he wants to hunt wild souls
and clearly wolves just don’t know what to do
for they are up against the great and mighty
what chance have wolves
really they should just lay down and die
somewhere, the view
that the money grabbing cattle people
and hunters and the like
they want to clear the land of wolves
and now of course they strike
whilst the iron is hot al’right
legislators and
ranchers many of them
and lobbyists who’ve planned
everyone wants power
for power is what its all about
and getting rid of wolves for good
seems now within a shout.
the trigger happy want that
only too pleased to shoot
to pose, it grows I do suppose
for the wolf is at the root
he causes all the problems
man’s the saintly soul
but one day soon when wolves are gone
Nature will take back control
and we will see imbalance
and the wolf it will be missed
because the wolf is a natural predator
and he does enlist
all manner of natural processes
unlike, the hunter man
whose purely there for the fun of it
that’s not how it began
Its very very sad in fact
what Hunters want to do
what ranchers have usurped and left
they haven’t got a clue
about the general scheme of things
its just their mentality
the natural order means nothing
its their profitability
there are of course the animals rights
and the animal lovers who
see another scenario
with the wolf alive a view
that’s shared by the photographers
and country folk who care
and who want to see the wild souls
and are prepared to share
the habitat with wolves and foxes
coyotes and the rest
they see that all add value
and feel that to divest
the wolf now from the forest
is not the thing to do
for it will create more problems
and that’s the other view
the strength appears to be
now where the money is
that’s why I say the writings on the wall
lay people fighting with the animal lovers
have a case but I think its a long haul
money speaks and its sloshing everywhere
on the other side
so at this precise moment
the wolf camp really all they have is pride
they hav their strengths
their heartfelt care
but up against the powerful one’s
the wolf expects despair
and boy its coming rapidly
and legislators rule
extending hunting licenses
and practices and all
The wolf may not be up to this
he may not make it through
if this is the case
the hunter man will pay that is
my view
his selfishness and arrogance
in the short time often wins
but over the course of decades
we know Nature underpins
the whole, and man does suffer
the sadness of course here
the wolves are the sandwich filling
and the price may be too dear
I hope now for some sanity
for some balance, mindfully
but my fear is that depravity
is extant and thus will be
at a loss to really understand
the why’s and wherefores so
we may suffer for our arrogance
and the wolf may have to go