The dark side

Some call it the dark side
Some have other names
Vehicle dwellers
The Non brick lot
Many many claims
They have taken over roads and lanes
Tracks and buildings too
Making it a shanty town
On abandoned land
A view

Is eviction notices everywhere
Vans in disrepair
Yards and just encampments
They seem to be everywhere
Mess and waste and rubbish
Unsightly in a way
Ruining the countryside
But it’s still a place to stay.

Graffiti a kind of freedom
Rural homelessness
Some it seems have chosen
To enter, they confess
Living rough and ready
In a community
But what of the bricks and mortar people
The town of Glastonbury

Famed for all its magic
It’s High Street
And it’s shops
Purveyors of the eccentric side
In people’s minds the tops
In magical creations
In alternative points of view
The right to dress as one sees fit
An endearing point of view
It compliments endeavour
And actually rings true

It retains its roots in History
With bunting and displays
Bards reciting thus inviting
A reception of the ways
History presented itself say long ago
With throngs of many coloured dress
And a triumphant flow

St Michael’s Tower
Upon the TOR
The levels down below
The great island of Avalon
And the stories long ago
The white spring and the Red spring
The chalice gardens too
There’s magic and there’s wisdom
And a wonderment that’s true

Fairyland and wonderland
Is admirable we see
All sorts of different people
Walking sharing constancy
An organic shop
Candles crystals incense by the score
Books and really exclusive things
Who could want for more

The goddess and the green man
And many many more
Some good places to eat and drink
And congregate for sure
Good ales and common cider
It’s where good apples grow
Where poets painters and witchy folk
Are many folk to know

So two sides to Old Glastonbury
It’s kind of light and shade
It’s draws a heap of tourist types
Who join the big parade
Unseen though the darker side
The caravans where be
Lots of homeless freedom seekers
Reputed to feel free

It can present an eye sore
It feels a bit unfair
The residents of bricks and mortar
Many really care
Their town is being over run
With shadows of a sort
Living off the countryside
Harbouring different thought
Not supportive of the Council
A blemish so to say
Two distinct alternatives
Each going their own way.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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