Israel’s being run by Netanyahu
A criminal, who knows that he should
Be Chained up in a bloody jail
He knows, he is going to fail
Totally unwilling to change tack
And be seen
Murdering Palestinians children yes and women
Wives and mothers sisters brothers
It really is obscene
As for the a British Government
The Tories
What a Bunch of weeds
Frightening admissions
We know where it leads
Selling them arms to kill our people
Bombing them with our jets
Little Rishi sunak
The sun never sets
Not on him so ignorant
Letting Israel call
All the shots just tin pots
Our backs pressed to the wall
Cameron in the House of Lords
Andrew Mitchell, he
Talks a lot of cobblers
As all of us can see
Grovelling on the Israeli floor
Pleading, that we see
And end to all this mayhem
And genocide that we
All are party to, we are
We see it everyday
Bodies in the rubble
In vast stages
Of decay
Run over by IDF tanks
Eaten by wild hounds
WOmen and children devastated
Surely we have grounds
To stop they Bloody arms sales
And To tell IsraeL
They can go to hell
Iran is not the enemy
We are under IsraeLs spell
They are scumbags nasty bits of work
Pariahs that’s for sure
We should all, bomb Israel
And Their vile plea’s just ignore