Hunters thats the term some use
abusive nasty souls
who dress up in their camouflage
and go out on long strolls
armed with a vile arsenal
of contraptions guns and bows
and think they somehow have a right
to kill, even the crows!
nothing will escape them
victims of the field
every earthling is on notice
and their fire power will yield
bodies of every description
death is what its for
maiming, blaming this their claiming
now and forever more
they are an integral part of life
sustainable, my arse
they are the weird assassins
who perpetuate a class
an energy a vileness
that takes out life and shows
the child in me
how very sad
that cancer in them grows
lying there in ambush
or quietly in a hide
and waiting for a soul to come
to eat, yes its denied
they have no chance whatever
and may be injured by
this infidel the unthinking one
whose forgotten how to cry
for what they do is slaughter
create great grief and they
high 5 and imagine
that they have saved the day
they have on the contrary
snuffed life, before its time
and the relatives will suffer
their grief is going to climb
but the hugely sick inveterate’s
left their hearts at home
I’m giving them the honour
my reflections in their chrome
but probably my generosity, here
it shocks the nation
insensitive a burning bush
a sort of conflagration
imagine what it must be like
to stare into the eyes
of such an evil killer
who sees you as his prize
he trapped you for your skin
he’s going to flog your fur and a coat
some starlet will be wearing
exposing her tanned throat
this time the papparazzo
who do their thing and run
similarly though hunters
maim and kill that done
the low life with their camera’s
they’ve lost complete control
of feeling also sadly
a hatchet job in the sun
maybe it is of character but life
no, thats okay
I feel that people carrying out this
henchman stuff today
does nothing for my gristle
or makes me reconcile
my feelings with these
who really are a pile
of the darkest kind of energy
discounting every creative thought
dead in many ways
to true humanity
to enjoy the poor dead creature
on the ground
to smile to take a photo
and expound on on what they do
and often it is favourable
but they haven’t got a clue
the victim are lost causes
who we must now protect
energy and lovingness
is what we must inject
into this scenario
these trolls will never see
the light for the darkness
overwhelms them
sucks all integrity
out of them alas for them
there’s little they can do
but hide themselves in hollows
wizened and askew