Embalmer. Big Pharma po

Big Pharma
And the medics
The pharmacists the Doctors
We treat them just like bloody saints
But actually you know
Supposedly life saving drugs
Apart from the elixir
Abuse their actual ignorance
Actually a fixer

Lactose that’s milk sugar
Dead cows and their babies
The karmic load enormous
But what they all forgot
Was nature’s fermentation
Making cheese from dairy milk
My mum never spent her day
Ruminating in some field
Nothing natural about that
But the French as well we know
Knock back loads of Camembert
Grass fed cheeses and all that
Vitamin K2 of course
Can reverse arterial calcification
The clever little microbes
Have a powerful force

Gobbling down the lactose
Which the NHS continue
To allow
it added to the drug regime
Allergically you see
Most people undergoing
Then have to agree

There is no fermentation
The fact that Nature never Knew
doctors, who are flogging drugs
The makeup of which we do
Actually forget how much
Lactose really we
Ought to be absorbing
And some sensitives agree

I say some, because Big Pharma
Are a really lousy bunch
Arrogant arse oles everywhere
Forgetting there’s a solid punch
Lactose is milk sugar
At the ratio for cows
And consuming it in concentration
They overlook their vows

Of healing without revealing
The allergic point of view
Feed that fraction to the calves
See what that might do
Already cows milk processed
Buy the dairies does
Extend the shelf life yes of course
But no cow feels the buzz

The calves are shot and butchered
If The milk was fed back to cows
It would bloody kill them
Dairies don’t have vows
Only vows of silence
Actually nobody knows
The millions of babies slaughtered
So the human then can pose

A bigger risk for the drinkers
Pack in the lactose
The fatty acids too
You get coagulation
Casein, whey, serum, do
Lactose malabsorption
The small intestine will
Go into a hissy fit
And if you are lucky
The contents from your
Back passage or in my case
Make me swell
Looking like the Michelin man
Whose just returned from hell.

Allergic to milk sugar
So with bones and gristle they
Add it to the tablets
Which we all will put away
Side effects there are many
Some worse than the disease
Our karmic debts grow longer
And stronger if you please.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Duty of care was never there, Experimentation, Medical, Milk and its associated problems. Bookmark the permalink.

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