A phone call to tell me
My water rates are sky high
In excess of £900 pounds
I just wanted to cry
A disabled customer using water I
Don’t have showers
For hours and hours
On that I must relay
On standing at the sink each day
Although there had been a leak
And when it was discovered
We fixed it it felt a cheek
So much money In a short time
The cost apparently
Unbelievably expensive
It seemed niggardly to me
Haley from Folkestone rang me
A really sensitive soul
Explained it all so quickly
To the most helpful degree
At we had got the plumber in
And the fault was fixed that very day.
Haley made it very clear
If that was the case
They would be writing off the Loss
And Me
they wouldn’t chase
In two weeks they would read the meter
when they come again
The water board are a lovely bunch
Positive as the day Is long
Haley very much on the ball
Affinity’s gift to one and all.