abandoned a puppy
in a Baltimore basement
imagine the frustration
of such an event
imagine the fear a young
pup would suffer
the abuser gone off
somewhere and hell bent
on forgetting the soul
all alone in the dark place
with thoughts of rejection
with thoughts of great pain
and left in this cold dank
and desolate basement
to know in her heart
she won’t see him again
the man who abused her
and left her for dead
should be apprehended
and like her unfed
no water and thrown
by himself in some cell
let him experience
that kind of hell.
abuse clearly she has
suffered for sure
trauma that began when
he slammed that door
nobody hears a dog
yelping away
in reality Molly
oh dear did she pay
she was in fact rescued
but terribly ill
neglect hits a baby
hard and its will
was broken for sure
and an infection took hold
and the poor baby died
despite all the love
she was given inside
despite all the treatment
her heart just gave out
the abuser who was he
its seems there is doubt
in every great city
all over this earth
are tales of this kind
those who dont know the worth
of an animals love
and a humans desire
to reciprocate madly
and to never tire
of amazing love
for an earthling
may appear voiceless
but the love it does bring
is priceless its tragic
scum sometimes buy
and ill treat and kill
and abandon and lie
their karma will
catch up with them
yes one day
but its so very sad
that with their lives
some pay