Indigenous tribes have been living
all over our world
though we find
in this day and age
a peculiar rage
is building
and it’s underlined
by profit and vile corporations
exerting their muscle for they
are into all sorts of production
and the Indigenous stand in their way
Nothing has changed, its the unfairness
take Danone a Paris based mob
a vast corporation it’s fingers
in many pots, we can sob
plant milks and all sorts of Popular foods
telling the natives to hike
back to wherever they came from
in Mexico of course they don’t like k
is Bonafont a Danone subsidiary
extracting Spring water supreme
depleting the Indigenous water
Really it’s lapping away
The Iztacchual volcanic Springs
the water table dropping to low
the people occupied the bottling plant
exploitation and depletion we know
Danones great strength it was paramount
whatever they do get their way
despite months of protest they we’re removed
for the Puebloans a very sad day.
in Europe where Danone is champion
flogging It’s plant milks all’s quiet
Alpro and Provamel
Soya soleil and Silk ex white wave
all sell non dairy drinks well
for the new vegan braves
who don’t know the score
.and just hear the raves.
ethically these brands
are poor
on the list
The ethical Consumer
closes it’s fist
marks down their pruducts
But the markets here
are riding the wave of success
and new cheer
Plamil of Folkestone gets Number One
The Danone tribe
On the bottom rung
but are still out selling
Now from among
the plant milk exponents
the anti milk wave
none of us need milk
its not going to save
we all have been weaned
fresh water should be
what we should drink not this
Yes it’s my processed plea
re hydrate with water
Leave plant milks be
they are spoiling the market
so unfairly.
5000 years the Indigenous
people have lived and have died
and were guardians who
protected the land and the water sources
now corporations far and wide view
And using their power base
Their fingers in pies
recouping their margins
It’s their big prize
watching their profits
their really great size
to fight off objections
For money does count
leaving the Indigenous People
tantamount to suffering badly
commercially are left to struggle
and the great vegan movement
cant see
what is happening out there
those true souls making the real vegan food
they are swallowed up by the giants
whose power base needs to be viewed
in context in a truly ethical manner