A hunting photograph to top all others for its sheer vile audacity

A scene from a nightmare
a baby
holding a rifle, the pose
in the foreground a bevy of corpses
one wonders
one has to suppose
the parents are sick
and created
what this little soul
cannot deem
to realise this is so
horrid, so degenerate
it makes me scream!

these souls once
and created, to all be alive
running free
not shot to death
by some low life
and photographed
as we can see

with a child smiling
Facebook you in your heart
should have intervened here
right away
told the sick hunter
this couldn’t be
but it is there
and so I must pay

some attention to it
and have written these words
so others alas can now see
just how sad parents are
and how sick from afar
disrespectful to those
corpses, who be

a child, its a child
so meek and so mild
but given the part here
to stand
clutching the weapon
with all these dead souls
by his hand

the bodies arranged
by the low life deranged
anything goes
we can see
blimey it shows
the depths some will
go to
to summon such notoriety

society plumbs
depths where sadistic
cram into the mind of the few
who have no respect of the
innocent souls
gunned down and spread out
on view

Facebook’s pernickety
animal rights stance
didn’t kick in
it appears
the souls of the free
will sicken
those viewing for years

and regret may one day
surface to say
how sad they were
to have created
a pose such as this
imagining bliss
but in essence
it has concentrated

the minds on a subject
sodden with woe
harrowed downtrodden
where do we go
from here
the compassion for wretches
who lie
dead to the world
and blind in the eye

concocting their horror
their vilest misdeed
with bodies still warm
what did they succeed
in doing to all of us
sicken us so
senselessly shamelessly
to our marrow

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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