Digital hunters the utmost in cowardice

The inevitable is happening
In what is a sick and awful world
The hunters who I view of with reluctance
And unwillingness for where they
have been hurled
A shuddering loathing need
Of murdering animals
I grimace, at the thought of it
To Bring fear and watch them bleed
Such incompatibility
With Nature and with those
Creatures that dwell in its aura
Underneath our nose
Clearly their intolerance
Who are hostile to the cause
Misanthropists and narcissists
They rarely stop to pause
Hunting is their dream state
The great degeneracy
Low life on the slippery slope
Towards depravity
They transgress so far tragically
Beyond the scope of mind
Truly hidden sinners
Wastrels you will find
They won’t recant their crimes on earth
No compunction to try
Entirely complicit
And they really don’t know why
They are on a lower order
Egotistic sods
Self worship and self interest
They believe they are the gods
How charity begins at home
Avaricious brutes
Who believe they have the backing
And all around them suits

They have no respect for anything
They disparage all they see
Offhanded and insulting
Injurious they be
They think they have the given right
To take another’s life
To dishonour and humiliate
And cause opponents strife
And do it into the new age
Take on the gadgetry
The computers and the eagledrones
And evasion of duty
Man against an animal
In hand to hand combat
Already thats not working
Thats not where they are at

Remember they are selfish
They lack courage raw
They have a real repugnance
For them its like a war
Ambush, telescopic sights
Decoys, calls and more
Vicious hateful guns
And bows, which the innocent abhor
Endorsing such unfairness
The rancour and the spleen
The spitefulness and virulence
It really is obscene
They drive up in their four by fours
An army so to say
Clad in camouflage war paint
The worst intentions they
Are out to kill whatever moves
A balefulness that stinks
A callousness just ruffians
And nobody who thinks

No depth to their wisdom
Not a sage in sight
We must denounce their ruthlessness
They are ready for a fight
On their terms where they hold the cards
Hidden behind a tree
They come out with guns a blazing
There is no mystery
They are just cowardly laggards
They arrogate and feel
illicitly they enter into
The battleground for real
The yellow streak is obvious
Cowering skulking yobs
Decked out in designer gear
Sissies really do you hear

Spiritless lily-livered
No back bone at all
Unheroic in the jungle
Everyone a fool
They cannot feel the wonder
They cannot admire those who
Who live and die with wildness
And do what they must do
Be part of creation
Respect the Natural World
Eat where they were told to eat
Intincts clearly hurled
Their spirit and their way of life
Covered from the sky
Prey perhaps or predation
Not questioning why

Nature gave them nobleness
Descent and ancestry
An unbroken lineage
Always to be free
The hunter wants his pound of flesh
Got by legitimacy
The skin the teeth the antlers
The horn they want it all
The biggest finest fittest
Thats the hunters rule.
And now its all technology
No creature stands a chance
Camera work and telescopes
And traps and lures, he plants
Himself in a hide or up a tree
With his guns and ammunition
Everything in his favour
To service his vile mission

To murder every sweet soul
That walks upon his earth
Whatever age its off the page
She might have just given birth
It matters not to hunter types
The new digital breed
Using drones and mobile phones
To guarantee they bleed
Out in the pools of weakness
The bloodlust we can see
Algorithams to the fore
We know where they will be
Its all been processed forwards
Look its on the screen
Infra red take this instead
We are know where you’ve been

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Death and Dying, Hunting and Poaching ( includes canned hunts). Bookmark the permalink.

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