It’s rife all over Africa and India
Local protein seemingly on tap
Hunters selling victims to the locals
Some really gruesome Stuff and there’s no cap
It’s a free for all specially in Ghana
And in NAGALAND in India where they
Serve charred monkey hands
And sacks of dogs AwaitIng
at the roadside
On sale every day
As many as 80 millIon Cane Rats
Every year are eaten
In Ghana they are a favourite
In Kumasi it is clear
Someone singes the hair off
and scrubs away the soot
And the locals rather like it
But what else is afoot
Zoonotic diseases viruses abound
And the deeper into the jungle
Where much of this is found
And no sanitary measures
Monkeys seemingly
Along with antelopes and pangolins
And snakes it seems to me
They actually like the flavour
And when its wild they feel
Seeing that Farming isn’t that good
That bush meat has appeal
Civets, Colombos and elephants
It seems the trunk tastes good
Fruit bats are more common than Birds
Though some wading birds could
Be eaten at a scratch tis said
And anything else around
It seems they will eat anything
If it walks on the ground.
It’s all down to self interest
They think of number one
They indulge themselves
They Spoil themselves
Sitting in the sun
Eating all these smoked joints
They say makes them feel
Stronger and more with it
They just love their bushmeat meal.