A photograph of a victim
A deer from faraway
The objective is to train a dog
To fetch the wounded prey
Human hunters pride themselves
On not looking into the eyes
Of the object of their denial
Who fail to realise
Though they may be feeding
Quietly far away
In the early morning
The accusers never pay
They ambush and they hide themselves
With telescopic sight
And abuse a dog who is loyal to them
Which for me is at the height
Of cruelty to wild animals
And so called man’s best friend
Trained up to kill to trail a deer
Their energy to expend
Man is wholly dishonest
To himself and to the hound
An opportunist laggard
The most wicked around
Artful yes to the extreme
Worthless villainy
A double-dealing double-crossing
A Malinois his chosen friend
To help him track the kill
So as he does not lose his prize
Scenting the blood does spill
And there we see this innocent
Choking as it’s own blood
Soaks away on that awful day
A warm and awful flood
A photograph depicts the scene
The energy of Ill
The shamefulness the turpitude
Lacking any skill
Ambushed murderer hunter
A manipulating scum
Who trains his loyal companion
To follow him as numb
As this so called hunter fellow
Whose telescopic sights
Knows he hit the target
For he has all the rights
The beast is coughing haughtily
Suffering a lot
Blood is spilling every which way
Yes he has been shot
Bawling out such agony
Realising he
Is fading fast
The bullets blast
And now dying he be
The hunter wants his bounty
Wants to cut and run
Cut away the antlers
And flesh too, on the run
Wants his dog to find the kill
Help him trace the scent
When he pulled that trigger
He knew the deed he had made a dent
We can just make out the evil
The agony one feels
As ones eyes Begin to close out
What The natural world reveals
The breath is slowly faltering
Weakness is the key
It’s hard to stand up tragically
This dying soul is me
The scoffing and the mocking
Of the rifleman who stalks
The gibes the taunts the sarcasm
As he runs and walks
Insulting and outrageous
A human never humane
A supercilious arse hole
Worthy of a drain
A filthy hole to lay in
This ugly revolting creep
Hunters are an athema
They really make me WEEP
Tears that last a lifetime
For a moment whilst they take aim
An angel feeding far away
Feels the mortal flame
Knows nothing of unworldliness
Of impeccability
Who has inoffensive feelings
Who is wild and who is free
Wide eyed clearly blameless
Pardonable for sure
With the conscience of an infant
Who now lies wet with gore
As a fellow human
I am sickened just to see
And feel the young deers anguish
Seraphic and saintly
Compared to this vile sickened rogue
Who fools a hound as well
I abhor these men who call themselves
and ignore
Their pleading they need hanging
Or pushing off a rock
To crash down with spine broken
To feel that initial shock
And to lay their slowly bleeding out
As the vultures scream above
And come to smell their carrion
A similar sort of love
The aiding and abetting
Such delinquency
Complicit in the murder
Of a soul so keen to be
Undergoing reparation
As peaceful as could be
An animal environmentalist
Whose solace tragically
Was temperateness
And self restraint
He was where he was put
Was gifted by his goddess
His frugality
A path out of his wilderness
A true piety
His feet close to the earth
A wild child we can say
Murdered and perverted
In the cold light of that day.
A story from BELGIUM