Carly’s Vixen experience

A wild being mother
Is gifted to be
A life bearing soul
Her purpose the key
Her family of cubs
She will honour most true
It could be a warren or sett
For her view
Is she can fashion an earth
From either and she
Will do so with love
Though her ability
Though what she was born with
Is inferior to
The rabbit and badger
But still she can do

What may feel impossible
For her young brood
She will feed them at night
Clearly she’s clued
Up with their safety
For one such as she
To trust in the Human
The being who be

Alien really
And many who hunt
Who Torture and martyr
Who pull every stunt
To tragically threaten
Her family and she
To trust as she does here
Shows me, essentially
That she has thought it through
Wild animals can
Pick up on true values
Their knowledge span
Is greater than we may think
Her family
Means more to her
So to see her at Carly’s
And knowing she came
To be fed the nutrition
And love a real flame
And a tangible spirit
Had reached to her core
Of being all seeing
And very sure

Of her bearings and footings
That this women she knew
Related in gender
Inherently to
She came at night
When the forest was dark
WitH less traffic about
Making her mark
A pertinent message
Quotable here
A kindred spirit
So much less fear
A maternal philosophy
Shared one and all
An authenticity
That she may call

Opposite poles
Contradictory roles
A Resemblance in fact
On a similar tact
Alike in a way
Creative with care
And wanting to share
A love for each other
The wild and the true
Primordial factors
In now what they do

Vixen What better way is there
Than to be trusted for your integritY
By a wild mother who leaves her cubs
To come and see you

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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