A cow discusses Nestle and ice cream sales

The epitome of being
A female in repose
A cow out in the pasture
Where grass and clover grows
Thats if we ever get to see
Mostly where we are
Is stuck inside a concrete shed
Actually quite far

I live at this dairy
It’s called MARTENS farm
They sell some milk to Nestle
I guess you imagine calm
Gentleness and caring
A loving place to be
Where females many of them
Congregate and we

Consider our bodies temples
We are mothers after all
Raped each year upon the rack
Thats far away from cool
A man’s arm with some bull sperm on it
Thrust down deep inside
The rape rack that’s the title
Mostly there we hide
For me it felt like a punishment
What female wants to feel
Some grubby bloody farmers arm
Inside of her for real

Just being close to his stench
His rotten teeth and arse
Humans have a stink on them
They are just not in our class
But anyway they rape us
And press as we become
They want the milk to flog
To other humans we have some
And they induce us further
To give just even more
So they can make more profit
And we can just feel sore

For nine months then we carry
A baby, and we pain
And through all this
The farmers and the labouring staff
They deign
To sometimes kick us punch us
Shout their expletives too
No respect for females
That is what they do

And when we have our babies
We are lucky if we see
And touch them let alone feed them
For the farmer yes he be
Kidnapping our baby
Taking the calf Away
If it is male it will be shot dead
Or go for veal some say

As for us we are for milking
Day in day out we
Are expected to just struggle
Through the pregnancy
Any aches any pains any sickness we
Get a kicking if we moan
The treadmill is you see

What our rotten life is
And how we suffer so
As mothers we should get respect
But farmers don’t want to know
They chastise and they castigate
Spank and smack and kick
Trounce and thrash and even bash
Even if we are sick

There is never a judge who sees them
No legal competence
No force of law to stop this
These are the kind of stunts
They pull it’s about lacking
Respect for females too
Their impure thoughts
And shamelessness
And wantonness, it’s true

Most of them are sinners
Nasty bits of work
Aiding and abetting
Wickedly they smirk
Unworthy in so many ways
Caught red handed they
Always punishing cows they are
Every single day

And if our legs give out at all
And they can do after all
Our udders they are laden
And sometimes we can fall
And can’t get up so quickly
arthritic legs we get
That’s when they kick and pull our tails
That’s when we feel the debt

We pay to just be female
To just have to have a calf
To have them smack our udders
They don’t do things by half
They threaten and they torture
Their Hairy stinking hands
Their fart arses close to us
Of farmers we are no fans

They know lots about dishonesty
Past masters they have become
The public think they are angels
They are demons they are numb
To the pain that they inflict on us
The criminality
De horning and hair singing
And just kicking frantically

Lack of respect its everyday
Irreverence for sure
Sarcasm from their dirty gobs
We put up with that galore
Insulting and degrading
As females they should try
And realise the way they speak
Inside we really cry

Our babies kidnapped after all
A mother needs to be
With her baby and knowing it’s been murdered
Well you see
We feel a great deal ,and know a lot more
The farmers they are bad
Wrongness impropriety
We are always sad

I guess it’s their lack of pity
Total heartlessness
Mankind the word that’s often used
But us cows feel the stress
There is not a gram of kindness
In dairy farmers they
Are unmoved and totally callous
And that is everyday

No quarter given no mercy
No regrets displayed
Never a kind word or a gentle pat
That’s ever laid
Upon us only black clouds
And evil and bitchiness and more
all the worst intentions
And we know for sure

Our food is often mouldy
The drugs they give us make
Us sick and sometimes drowsy
And if we are inclined to flake
Out we get the torture
Tail breaking and the pain
Or a quick kick in the udders
And that feel like a chain

That reverberates right through us
The acerbity I feel
As a female being milked to death
Wanting to appeal
To consumers that our punishment
For the effort we give out
Is tantamount to beastly
and that’s without a doubt

Many who have gone before me
Went to the death camps where
Their throats were split a’sunder
And their spirits rose to where
The rainbow bridge was up there
Rainbows and the rest
The place that we all go to
When we fail the final test

And now halal has cometh
Our trachea cut away
They do not even stun us
They cut us and we pay
For all the slaving we have done
That first cut is our last
We swallow back the precious blood
Our die sadly they cast

To be a cow for Nestle
The great swiss Giant who
Makes loads of bloody ice cream
For people perhaps like you
Lots of creamy dreamy
Really a nightmare
Really it’s horrific
Lives spent with despair

In the barn at even time
You should hear them cry
Mothers for the their long lost calves
Asking cow gods why
Hathor is the great god
Protector so they say
Who is creating a karmic debt
For the drinkers every day

So those now supping cows milk
And making it into cheese
Cream and bloody yoghurt
It isn’t the breeze
They thought the fat and cholesterol
The casein and the rest
The bloody antibiotics they feed us
We detest

But you lot you are getting it
So infections when they come
The bugs inside are immune to it
Just like you see how numb
You are to what we tell you
Buy another pound
Eat another choc ice
Buy another round

And ask yourselves why
Cows remain calm and quiet
When they
Are subjected to such cruelty every single day
Why we don’t show anger
Wrath or tiz or rage
It’s because we are females
Who ancestrally do gauge
It’s better off to remain quiet
and take our punishment
Abuse and ugly goings on
It’s true were never mean’t

The repugnance and antipathy
The loathing that’s inside
Buggers up our flesh though
The taste and the gristle hide
Negativity and pain and cancer inducing too
Consumers you should realise
What the farmers do

No matter how submissive
How pliant we become
Still they bloody abuse us
They reckon that we are dumb
Stooping bowing scraping
Doormats for their abuse
To take out their frustration
On us so we deduce

The end product is loaded with agony and negativity so chew well
And enjoy

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in Abandonment, activism, Animal Rights, Animal sacrifice, animals used for food, CAFO's and factory farms, Calves and Cows and Bulls, Captivity, Milk and its associated problems. Bookmark the permalink.

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