Mikayla Fox rescuer

In Minnesota there is a fox angel
A rescuer a kindly caring soul
From Pet owners and the Fur Trade
It’s where this lass does operate
Wildness clearly has a wondrous role
Too many people imagine that the wild fox
Is like a dog and err because of that
Foxes really are extremely sensitive and wily
Shy and nervous creatures and are at
A pinnacle because of being ready
That wildness being closer than we know
Their instinctive appreciation
Of the wildness in their soul
It’s ingrained in their spirit
And state of mind
Pet owners just imagine they can cope
But find they can’t
And Mikayla thankfully
Is who they find

Foxes in the fur trade
Provide coats and jackets they
Boa’s too but then we do
Need to save their day
Need to realise that the created forces
To protect their wildness constantly
And why is it they should die

For fashion it has always been
An insulting thing to do
For me it’s never modish
Chic or even true
It’s cruel and vile
And human beings
Need to realise
Skins are never beautiful
If the animal then dies

Her farm is attractive
Her foxes clearly are
Happy with their outcome
Each one of them a star
When she comes to see them
Their squealing joyful voices
Are evident they care about
Her and all their choices

They are sort of wild
Some in cages a sort of zoo
I always think it sad
The wilderness gives up a few
Wild ones and they come to be
A feature let us say
Alive and well and for a spell
Live another way

Every fox that’s rescued
And saved from the fur trade
Is wonderful and in a sense
Those people who parade
Along the streets in fox fur
Are guilty every one
Of murdering and torturing
Which is what they have done.

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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