Excluded from humanity
In squalor and in slum
Street dogs disadvantages
Their whole world clearly numb
Unseen by the motorists
And driven into they
Lay around the city
Every single day
One such hound was “pintu”
A mongrel to regard
Clearly he was driven into
Very very hard
Lying in the bricks and rubble
A lady rang him in
The ambulance came quickly
He was very thin
Spirited and sensitive
His idea was to try
And rest there
Clearly shaken up
Looking at the sky
He knew his back was painful
And shock had set in too
Twinges they were evident
But he didnt know what to do
The ambulance came quickly
The angels helped in, they
Put a blanket around him
And carried him away
Back at the caring station
He was laid down and they saw
His back legs were all crumpled
And he had pain they could not ignore
He was administered pain killers
And given time to rest
There was no way he could stand
Up by himself
They thought it best
To massage him and give
Him physio each day
Love him give him confidence
Share their time and play
Remember as a street dog
Just nobody cares
Its like a frantic jungle
Everybody swears
Throws things at you
And now to find angels
With soft hands
Kisses and caresses
And what seemed like
Some fans
Helping always helping
In their gentle way
Trust built up their caring
Helped to banish pain awAy
Progress it was slow
A lot had gone on then before
But though it took about six weeks
“Pintu” became sure
He started to walk slowly by himself
And before time
Was running around the compound
He made the glorious climb
Back to true normality
In this lovely place
When ladies in fine sari’s
Actually kissed his face
And gentle men and other ladies
Everybody here
Was genuine and caring
Which banished all the fear