The drug

Pain the sort of malady
That grabs you in the night
It makes you feel so all alone
Some say you feel like shite
And so step up to pain killers
Prescriptive ones out there
Or over the counter cocktails
That lots of people share

One such violent substance
Known as Krokodil
Also “Russian magic
A synthetic opoid will
Get into your system
Its addictive through and through
And when its cooked with
Other shit who knows what it will do

Gasoline paint thinners
Lighter fluid they
ARe toxins terrible substances
Unlikely to allay
Any negative symptoms
When injected into veins
With side effects so terrible
Why have shit for brains

Infections ulcerations
Gangrene if you will
Its a derivative of codeine
And it can bloody kill
No accepted medical use
Just a dreadful thing to try
Accept what pain you live with
And suffer maybe cry

All these bloody substances
Just take you away
From your own self and your soul
And my god do you pay
A price higher than any other
Fixes are no cop
Gradually we get use to pain
And sometimes it may stop

I should know i suffer so
And have done so for many years
I have cried a bucket full
So many salty tears
Every joint and every muscle
Aching, its a strain
But sleep can help to arrest it
And bring life back again

Every single drug out there
Is really the extreme
It blows your mind completely
In the end you cant redeem
Your purpose how you have got here
And what you can do to make
Life a better place to be
For everybody’s sake

Pain and even agony
Becomes a wake up call
It strengthens us it really does
And helps to overhaul
The stresses we all go through
Drugs forget them they
Will Never ever sort you out
They only take away

Your feelings and your good thoughts
Your abilities to be
Who you are and what you are
Potentially free
Of all the chains that bind you
And help you to be aware
Find someone who loves you
And with that person share

Friendship x

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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