A conscience
And an integrity
Insullied we can say
A video made for Yule perhaps
In a pure minded way
With a deal of moral fibre
Principled and true
With a sense of responsibility
Virtuous all through
Iceland Foods
A player
In the retail world
Where we
See some disrespectfulness
Out there constantly
But here we saw some honour
Its was easy to admire
The story of the Orangutan
Whose life has become dire
Greed has taken over
The sense of all thats right
The natural ways of forestry
Harmonious the light
Always shone upon them
Assignable and sure
It should have been untouchable
But instead alas a war
Was waged and tore the heart out of
The forests slash and burn
Every tree and every soul
There was no place to turn
Dethronement and the dispossed
The red apes aboreally
Facing tyrany and trespass
Violated seems to me
For the want of palm oil
A money making crop
Wrongheadedness and unfairness
They didnt know when to stop
The rich were into making
Quick bucks let us say
Rivalry and contention
Was the irder of their day
A lackmof appreciation
Of the forest and its worth
U mindful of the treasure
Bequeathed to Planet Earth
The myriad dreams and wonders
The animals in tow
The medicines they light itself
Where so much good did grow
The morality of being
The ethicality
To what was a veneration
Of true constancy
Watched aggrandishment snd self interest
Egoists on fire
Monopolistic wickedness
Moving ever higher
And recently reparation
A video that shows
The extent of mans admission
And what it does pose
Central to the saving
Of the great Red Ape and those
Animals who were gifted
And now are in the throes
Of suffering its their end game
Such transgression can be seen
Upunwarrantable and lawless
Judged to be obscene
Condemned to damnation
Castigated so
And now the law of unreasonableness
Says this film must not show
The public what has happened
And continues night and day
A little bit of heaven
Lets the angels say
Illuminates the darkly places
The lifeless groves lf palm
That stretch across the countryside
Creating a new harm
It was challenging the corporates
In defiance of the few
The bellicose and the beliigerent
At what so many do
Really out of ignorance
And arrogance of course
A hindrance to bumanity
Talentless at source
Iceland Foods shone its light
Across the darkness and hoped
To expose and prevent the end game
Which is fast becoming real