Conservation and community
Is never going to be
A defence against
The hunters
Who only want to see
Murdering the wildlife
That appears their only goal
Which is totally unsustainable
And proves they have no soul
Here it happened in Nambia
3 or 4 years ago
2 hunters one left handed
Simed between the eyes
One bull stumbled and went down
and they failed to realise
The others would be angry
And charge them
So they ran
The simplest of assasins
Of whom I am no fan
One turned and trumpeted angrily
Apparently they were
On their own with out
A professional hunter
And did incur
The wrath of the other animals
Rightly so I say
Just a bunch of amateurs
At the end of the day
And it has been shown
For foreigners to hunt
They need at least
one professional there
Just in case a beast
Take umbrage they are shooting
without justification they
Need it to be regulated
Or else ought to pay
They care nothing for conservation
They pay by murdering game
This is what is in their minds
They are all the same
Selfish arrogant tossers
Need to be put in their place
In my book they are such
An insult for the human race
There is no justification
For slaughtering elephants, they
its only about the Ivory
And they help to make it pay
most of them are brain dead
More money than sense
Who are being manipulated
And have no true defence
They are simply spineless rogues
They buy into a trade
That want ggto make a killing
And on their heads its laid
Its ivory and skin and beads
And trophies all the way
And there is a growing market
On the back of the decay
Of civilization
This so called hunting crowd
Nothing about them is positive
Ofcourse they are very loud
With their guns a blazing
But take the guns away
And ofcourse they only shit themselves
As we saw here on that day
Another great bull
Hits the dust
More ivory to sell
Conservation my arse
These bastards born in hell
Should go back there
And fester
In the bloodlust and the strife
And every single one of them
Should actually lose their life
They all are good for nothing
Killing for the sake
Of feeling all that fucking power
They are on the make
Every hour of every day
Boosting ego’s they
Need now to be trampled on
And bloodied come what may
Give them guns that jam up
With no bullets when they fire
Let them feel the panic set in
Let them know how dire
It is to face death and chase down
The vanquished as they do
Knowing they can pull their triggers
And their dreams all come true
NOrth East Namibia
NAkabolelwa Conservance
Two hunters did it alone
Against a herd of elephants
Killing one bull outright
And being threatened by the rest