Otherworld prophecies 57 and 58

Iceland dips into the
Occult, I am thinking
She makes her decision
To hunt the great whale
Those now endangered fin
And the hybrid
The blue and the minke
Comes the following tale

Its surfacing out there
Such beautiful creatures
Baleen whales truthfully
The oceans great gift
whale gods were worshipped
In times past for certain
With their so silent slumber
And amazing drift

They are truly majestic
With pious intention
To slaughter such mammals
Puts a great weight
On humanities shoulders
Drawing down negatives
A phantom possibly
Losing its gait
Thats when the corbidae
Visit and can
Remind people really
that what they are doing
Goes against man

Such a transgression
It is contradictory
Hybrids are endangered
And those must be
Left to themselves in the depths
Of the ocean
Not pulled into being

They cant be exported
That isnt a loophole
There is guilt out there sadly
An unlawfulness too
The natural world is proudly displaying
Its magickal spirit
In what it tries to do

In the Northern part sadly
Ravens have been seen to appear
Lots of them shrieking at night
Its been said
Because people fed them
But it could be the dead
Whales are to blame
Or the hunters maybe
Who are harvesting god forms
From out of the sea

Morrigan possibly
The phantom queen
Can alight on a place
That is seen as obscene
In the form of the corvidae
Shape shifters who
Have a message to give
Condemning a crew

That goes into the ocean
And slaughters at will
It doesnt make sense
No reason to kill
The flesh isnt good eating
Its toxic as well
And should be off the table
Unless this is Hell

The Ravens are everywhere
It does appear
Aegir the ocean
For me it is clear
NJord rules the ships
And it clearly seems
That this latest attack
From the blackest of streams

Draws down a denizen
Creatively so
The irreverence shown here
Is out of the flow
Its a violation
A recidivist thought
A reason to stop this
Whales shouldnt be caught

Their agony flourishes
And we can see
Some retribution
Now, just might be
Exciting the deities
Willing them on
Iceland must listen
When the whales are all gone

Thor might create
In a maelstrom so dark
An upheavel of unearthly
To the whales, who still
Merit their place
in the blue
Not butchered and bled out
And left in full view

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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