Speak to the average hunter
Ask what they feel about death
What life means to them
And why they believe
They have rights to deny
Someone rbreath
whoever they happen to
Come upon
What its like for a pure soul
To die
Who has the right to end
Such a life
Do they ever ask themselves why
Every soul does have a family
So death and destruction
will mean
Others will mourn
the loss, its upsetting
To do this
for sport feels obscene
Hunting a sanitised method
Of slaughter for victims who are
In the wrong place at the so called
Right time
And for a second at least
Are the star
To be shot or be trapped
And then slaughtered
Some butchered and others just left
Some may escape to die by themselves
Humanity then is bereft
Of the miracle that was creation
The predator prey aspect here
The imbalances it causes wherever it happens
And tragically raises much fear
Predators operate diffently
They pick out the old and infirm
The weak and the already dying
Any that are close to their term
The hunters so called they are after
The best and the biggest the prime
So they look brave with their photo
Imbalancing time after time
Changing the real face of wildness
Removing the strong for the weak
Its man’s total arrogant attitude
Reality shows up the freak
The insensible insentient
So called
Oblivious to the real scene
Hardened or callous
Unseeing and inured
A machine
Not susceptible to the poor victim
Nor impressionable in any case
Perhaps titillated arousing an urge
Their compassionate gene not in place
Cowards about pain yes it follows
Inflicting the end game some do
Fail to consider the anguish
And the torment that comes quickly through
Its sixth sense aware of your being
Perceiving more than you perceive
And The mindlessness of the assassin
That the caring and wanting believe
Is missing it pehaps wasnt present
Hunters are pleasured by death
Not death of their family but death
Of a quarry
An unreasoning notion of breath
They judge that a victim is fair game
Without substantive evidence they
Still believe they have an endorsement
To take out who ever that day
Deductive reasoning is not in the frame
Sophistry is more their path
They have flaws in their argument
Most of the time
Causing very significant wrath
To the innocent capable animals
They conflste the wrong arguments they
Have a lack of vision which I view with derision
Made in their insular way
Its cliquish and jaundiced perhaps self deception
And A selfish discriminatory thought
Precondemned spirits lost in a maze
Boasting and quite overwrought
Ignorance thats at the zenith
Unconscious oblivious too
And probably unacquainted
With Nature and what she can do
Unread and lowbrow backward and dull
To the pleasures of cameras and art
To music and poetry the more right brain stuff
The qualities sent from the heart
Following the ways of the spurious
The deluded the spivs and the crooks
The lying the mendacious the twisters the sheisters
Those with the shadiest looks
With animals losing their habitats
With poachers creating their sin
With all forms of illegal killing of species
The pet trade, the fur trade to pin
Them down really at any moment
Its obliteration we see
Far eastern medicine bush meat
Canned hunting for trophies now be
At the head of the queue all around us
The evils of corporate gains
And with hunters so called
Who have not been schooled
In the order of Nature
The chains
Are everywhere traps and destruction
A bias for trophies as well
Trump turning over the elephant pieces
We are turning this planet to hell
It is intractability personified
Mulishness now at a height
Supported by guns and ammunition
Perverse and believing they are right
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