The corporate world
Has a great deal now to answer for
Take oil based plastics
Some thought what they do
Was convenient but they failed
To realise the pollutive quality
And the chickens are coming home to roost
In reality all the chemicals to make them
Turn our precious world into a soup
Of materials that take ages to recycle
In a lot of ways we present this plastic poop
In the oceans in the air we are breathing
Its everywhere in landfill and beyond
Polythene and polyvinyl chroride
Latex fibre glass and celluloid
Raffia cellophane and plastic sheeting
Fishing nets and ropes its everywhere
Its truly filthy jettisoned total garbage
And living creatures see it as despair
The oceans are our dustbins moderation
No such thing, again the corporate threat
Is dump the plastic every single which way
1000 years to recycle it no sweat!
Phenol and formaldehyde its everywhere
Cetaceans have swam in the ocean blue
Long before these corporates were thought of
And now of course are dying its not new
Sheets of plastic mimicking the jellies
Turtles whales and dolphins are misled
Swallowing down these materials like crazy
And very often winding up so dead
Washed up on our beaches dead and dying
Plastic induced gastric shock the cause
Sea birds being suffocated everywhere
Fishing nets and tackle we cant pause
Not one second’ somewhere someones dumping
Plastic shit into the sea and they
Do not lift their eyebrows and cannot even realise
The animals they are slaughtering each day
Fisherman dump nets into the ocean
Animals die and ofcourse they rot away
Thats when the plastic is reintroduced
To kill and keep on killing every day
Yesterday a sperm whale the lastest victim
With 64 pounds of plastic in its gut
Ropes nets bags and raffia nets a plenty
Even a jerry can I know some mut
Chucked it in the ocean from some flashy yacht
Synthetic made of crude oil plastic we
Are trashing the poor oceans killing and a maiming
No one cares a monkeys they all be
Logging on and off and soaking wifi
3 g 4 g 5 g and the rest
Theres no communication among people
The plastic revolution I detest
The bloody supermarkets they went
Every single apple it is wrapped
Plastic its just everywhere
Petroleum oh yes they share
Now this world really must adapt
These poor cetaceans in our broth of plastic
Every mouthful fish of every size
Are sucking in this vile and awful material
None of them nor do we realise
We are becoming partly plastic now inside
Thanks to oil based corporates everywhere
Its totally unpropitious and ill-omened
The fear and trepidation thats out there
Obnoxiousness and harmfulness is prevalent
Contaminstion of each vital source
Injurious and damaging corrosive and destructive
Unwholesome with defilement yes ofcourse
It has become a dangerous situation
The warnings are now everywhere to see
We have abused the oceans with our presence
Solvents steroids radio activity
The ineptitude of people on the high seas
Their incompetence and unfitness to be there
Chucking bags of rubbish in the ocean
Loads of rotten bin bags without care
Scourings sweepings shavings plastic lumber
All tossed overboard a fruitless task
Mangled mangy putrefying and stinky
And nobody infact around to ask.
Cetacean angels dying in their hundreds
Beaching in the sweltering sun they lie
Guts filled up with plastic hoots and netting
All these precious mammals have to die
True deceit is everywhere and nobody
Is prepared to ever take the blame
And more and more dead animale are being washed ashore
Nobody is worrying though its happening more and more
They dice wuth death and clearly run the gauntlet
On a hiding for nothing it appears
The principle of evil is around us
The deadly crime of plastic in the sea
The suffering and weariness is everywhere
Causing more than you imagine there could be