Its all about one’s thinking
The wantonness of pain
A beautiful wild Leopard
Will never breathe again
And why is this
A brazen fool as offensive as can be
Sits there on his wheelchair
Unashamed and heartless he
Imagines as a disabled man
He has the right to seek
Excitement and goes trophy hunting
Proving just how weak
And, how truly very wicked
To trespass in this way
A wild soul on his shoulders
Caught red handed so to say
No remorse whatever
Just a selfie and
Posted onto facebook
He doesn’t understand
Its not only that his legs don’t work
But His heart is dodgy too
And his mind is clearly rotting
For its scandalous to do
What he has done
The enormity of Hunting down a soul
A bit of self-indulgence
A egotistic goal
But did it make you whole my friend
Killing a feral cat
That hadn’t harmed you in anyway
And now we all look at
A truly beautiful animal
Shot down in its prime
By less of a man
of which i’m no fan
Who failed to share his time
With creation which had been perfect
That strode the jungles green
Disablement was no excuse
For your artfulness has been
Dishonest and hypocritical
Underhand and wrong
Have respect for all animals
Who know where they belong
It was devious and sinister
To ambush and to kill
A creature with such honour
Its precious blood to spill
And then drape it around your shoulders
No respect at all
I’m afraid I am no admirer
In reality, a fool
Who ignores the life he was gifted
And Believes he has earned the right
to shoot another in cold blood
Who was murdered but not by might
But By a weak and perverted fellow
Who ambushed a splendid soul
An enanation of perfect light
Who was balanced in his role
Of predator and the reason
Just a trophy hunt
A picture in a dusty tome
a permanent affront