Intellect and the Sperm Whales

The Black Cod or the Sable Fish
Is supposedly real good
Fisherman use long lines
Baited as they should
5 miles of line dropped overboard
To reach the bottom they
Wait for bites then haul them up
Which hopefully does pay

Apparently the sperm whales
Who know a thing or two
Watch all this a happening
And what do you think they do
They wait until the lines
are being pulled in
From below
And take the black cod off
the hooks and eat them
And then go

They believe the fisherman
Are doing it for them
Catching many hundreds
Feally its a gem
Of a thoughtful understanding
But the fisherman dont agree
They are losing out and big time

And each year it gets harder
More whales down below
They recognise the fishing boats
Engines thus they know
When to use their reasoning power
Their stream of consciousness
Its extra sensory perception
Nothing more nor less

The fishermen and Science
Seem startled by it all
That sperm whales would be able
To really overhaul
the puzzle
They are setting
The arrogance of man
Using spotter planes
And miles of line
because they can

We steal the fishermans bounty
We have brains of a size
We are thoughtful and contemplative
It should come as no surprise
We also are communicative
Sharing the knowledge we
Have Which really brings success
Which we pass on merrily

Why hunt out in the darkness
When there is a great fish tree
All you do is pick them off
With such profundity
The association of ideas
Seems to stump them all
They imagine they are cleverer
Than us yes as a rule

They overlook that we are
The cetaceans of the sea
Inside our heads are brains
And we use them evidently
We are equipped with sonar
And amazingly big brains
And We do swim rings around them
With all the obvious gains

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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2 Responses to Intellect and the Sperm Whales

  1. Kimberly says:

    I’m in tears and feel everything. Thank you Rex.

    • Rex Tyler says:

      Its so beautiful when man’s arrogance will not let him feel that whales actually see through his idiocy
      And actually are taking their share rather than the other way around

      Thanks Kimberly

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