Forty thousands species
380 million years
Mesmerizingly fascinating
Global citizens too One hears
Truly master craftsman
Architects in fact
With a logicality
On how we should react
A tendency to frighten
Unfairly thought of they
Take a lot of criticism
All along the way
But contrary to the belief
They are harbingers of fear
Infact they are the genius
That happens to be near
Miraculous body proteins
Beyond mans testimony
From their unique spinnerets
The finest silk we see
From so many spigots the liquid
They exude
8 kinds really can blow our minds
And dare I say allude
Stronger than steel in real terms
And pratical as well
With wonderful healing qualities
This magic is not from hell
Its of the highest order
Clean webbing heals a treat
Stops bleeding is a curative
And is very hard to beat
From a liquid to a strand of silk
With amazing properties
A typical web will be made up
Of all 8 types And please
The spider for each type creates
The wondrous web we see
Which only the female can actually weave
Or an immature male may be
Artifical tendons re growing our nerves
Tissue growth and scaffolding
Elasticated curves
anti fungal qualities
Antiseptic too
Rich in vitamin K you see
Anti clotting do
And will prevent scarring
Medicine can see
Bandages already include
Silks actually
In future if you see the web
Its timeless quality
Magic in the making
Its spell we all can see
And its perpetuation
Is furthered by the art
The unremitting excellence
Born out of the heart
Watch the aerobatics
On the mirror of your car
The tiny spider manages
Infact she is quite the star
With her frail legs and silks
She manages the feat
clinging on quite magically
As you drive down the street
The silk is of a tolerance
No truer potency
She becomes the acrobat
Her muscularity
Minimal but actually
Such might she does diaplay
She really is compelling
For she is out there everyday
Invincible and unflagging
Clearly in the zone
Spiders can live anywhere
Together or alone
On mountain slopes
In castles
In jungles far away
And even on my wing mirror
Whatever people say
Inspired by JUlia Pissano a lady I have never met
But one day I feel I will