A lady

Silence softens silkiness suggestive
Of the light
That shines forth like a wondrous orb
Tnat picks up in the night
A wildness and impressiveness
A vision a display
A countenance that favours
Her demeanour and her way

Perception and a consciousness
Cerebral and strong
A truthful cerebration
And she is seldom wrong
She works by observation
An invention in a way
A curious investiture
And when she starts to sway

Her layered fashion and conscious tones
Develop and her pretty bones
Act beautifully and picture now
The uncertainty just now of how
Cultured she is honestly
And as she walks then you can see
The freedom in the gait is where
Her figure she can gauge and share

Inventive and imaginative
She dares challenge any one
By her admission all can feel
The warmth the heart her soul her sun
A goddess of this earth she be
A sage of sorts who can but say
And elegance so perfect right across the day
A harmony of sense and Eye
A fluency for knowing why

Proficient in so many ways
An authority you would have to praise
Affectionate emotionally
Impressive as a symphony
Excites the heart controls the mind
As her temperament she does unwind
Abandoning her city dress
For leisure clothes so to confess
Anything that she may wear
Along with all that complex hair
Night shades cherry in repose
Purple even why she chose
Sublimity a noble frame
A loveliness For the end game

A spell of magick in her eyes
A fullness now to realise
A peacefulness a dignity
She sits cross legged in front of me
A warrior in so many ways
Her benevolence worthy of praise
An appreciation of how she feels
Obliged I am that she reveals
To me the beauty of her soul
And oblivion Her special role

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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