Horses are companions they are friends
To humans who
Keep them for whatever reason
For us humans do
They work for us in many ways
are compatible and kind
So to hear so many are being slaughtered
It really blows my mind
Slaughter houses for horses
It was never meant to be
But many are being used for meat
In Mexico we see
And In Canada a lot of corpses
Shipped to far off places
Unwanted animals slaughtered
And you should see their faces
The captive bolt was never made for horses
Not at all
A horse has a long neck and it means
Generally as a rule
Trying to stun a horse
Is far more difficult than a cow
And therefore many are still alive
Yes still alive and how!
When they are eviscerated
And this is wholly wrong
Slaughtering in some open house
Where Horses do not belong
But this is what is happening
To young horses by the way
Nobody want an old horse to eat
So the young ones have to pay
If they don’t run fast enough
Or are sick in any way
It’s take them down the slaughterhouse
And get paid that’s what they say
A bale of hay a week is too much
Now it does appear
And many horses meet a horrid death
And suffer fear
We humans are a rotten bunch
Lacking understanding
We take the money and turn our heads
No care for where they are landing
Frightened out of their lives they are
Slaughtered in abject pain
With bulging eyes and broken limbs
Their young lives all in vain
And the slaughtering was made possible
By Obama who agreed
More horses should slaughtered
Really just to feed
The corporates and their profits
And this is now the thing
Thousands are being slaughtered
And shipped now just to bring
Profit into America this is what they do
Totally heartless breeders
There may one near you
We have to tell our neighbours
We have to help and try
To stop this bloody carnage
Now we all know why
A young horse gets a fair price
From the meat trade and so they
Can make a profit from this
Which is growing every day
Whilst it’s wrong to slaughter animals
The horse gets a bad crack
Their heads move on their longer necks
And the slaughtermen so lack
The where for all
to slaughter
In Infact in a kindlier way
So the horse goes through such torment
And is made to pay