The whisperers

It’s all about wildness
And a spiritual need
That survival instinct
That in any breed
The street cred
The wilderness knowledge
That speaks
It’s really a therapy
With troughs and with peaks

Arizona State Prison
Land Management’s way
Of clearing large numbers
Of horses each day
The conviction of trying
The dogma of doubt
Convinced and confiding
Really coming out

Building up trust
An unquestioning path
With various tenets
Away from the wrath
And the anger and mayhem
To a softly approach
To learn to be patient
And Willing to broach
The need to confide
To confess in a way
To a tenable future
Which turns out that way

The men are as wild
As the horses and so
Their whispering methods
Create and do show
And unquestioning reason
To be gentle to
A wild soul whose manner
And schooling was true

It’s one hell of a programme
Response is the key
The wild horse may challenge
That’s how it should be
But the wild man he thinketh
Along Similar lines
And with faith and commitment
The truest of signs

Is both learn from each other
It’s a simple address
It perhaps is a breakthrough
A reason to bless
Both hearts and minds
In what is an affair
An unbiased look
At how to be aware

And what do we see
Wild horses of course
Where would we be without the old horse
But also we see wild men
All aglow
Looking inside themselves
Wanting to know
Having that proof
It’s a testable way
Of seeing themselves
In the white light of day

And few will return
When their time is that they
Are ready to go out
For they have paved their way
They have found themselves
They were lost after all
But now they are found
And they know how to call
The shots as it were
They can train, they can be
Someone again
When they get free

They learn don’t hold grudges
And be soft and true
Therein lies their strength
Zero experience
That was their need
With so much to learn
And so much to concede

And all of the time
Being prepared to give
To express as a whisper
The reason we live
To love from the heart
To give and to do
And to be and to see
To be free to be true

A spiritual connection
A mystical way
A new ideology
Springs forth they say
There is no confrontation
Just belief and desire
To work with the premiss
To confide and inspire

A truly remarkable film that takes wild hearts
In Florence a state run prison facility
In Arizona

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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