120 Pilot Whales
Lost their lives today
The mistake they made
Was swimming passed the Faroes
And the bay
Of violators came for them
Brandishing their knives
A violent wicked rotten bunch
WHo set to and stole their lives
Many many families
Who all started their day
Full of joys and wanting
To travel a long long way
Through the North ATlantic
The ocean of their dreams
To some far off destination
Many many teams
Some warriors some babies
Some parents at their side
When suddenly out of this dark land
The hordes who once did hide
Thrust towards them carrying mayhem
An ugly array
demons drenched in bloody cloaks
Enough to scare away
The innocent completely
Unfriendly hostile men
As ugly as the day is long
From some misbegotten den
Of iniquity they cometh
And drove the whales to shore
Jumping on them standing on them
Till they were no more
These butchers from an island race
Of odious ill dressed fools
Such vulgarity and grossness
Clearly they were ghouls
Bedraggled by the beauty
And the courage of the whales
Their valour and their fearlessness
Causing great blood trails
To happen In the ocean
Each yellow streak of man
Craven hearted shirkers
Each was each other’s fan
A lovelessness and apathy
They showed towards the whales
And when they hit the beach head
Their presence it just pales
Into a sad significance
For the slashing blades
Caught hold
Mothers lying bleeding to death
Their babies rolled
around them
Screaming terribly
Feeling their mothers pain
And having their heads sawn off their bodies
Again and again and again
And not done by any professionals
Not a surgeon not at all
Just a lousy yob with a bloody
great knife
Just having a ball
Laughing his rotten head off
This clearly heartless git
Who if I had my way he would end up
Swimming in his shit
The nobility of the victims
They took defeat as though
It was all inevitable
But humanity cries NO!
This is blatant violence
And the world must wake up and say
Anything from the Faroez
We shall not buy now no way
And Denmark better realise
it will lose some trade
Positioning it’s war ships
that means that it’s put paid
To any help I am sorry
this grind as it is called
Is just first degree murder
and I am so appalled
That it’s allowed to happen
The so called big EU
The masters of all that is fair
They also turn their screw
They are a bunch of nothing short
Of murderers as well
The bloody lot should be consigned
To what I call true Hell
At the bottom of this ocean
Deep in the torrents where
Great beasts feast on the cowardly ones
Let them grapple with despair
Let’s them taste the spoils of battle
That they dish out constantly
And end their miserable incarnations
Underneath the sea
Grabbing at each other
As cowards do tend to do
Screaming like some wild banshee
Yes my friends that’s you
You who killed one hundred and twentyAngels in their prime
You who took out your vile knives
And killed them before their time
There are no excuses tradition sorry that
Is purple to suggest it for where these murders sat
In hearts around the country
Is where no words exist
We wish all you wish the whales
For these angels they are missed
The ocean cries its threnody
Is heard by angels who
You might think are voiceless
But everyone of you
Is known in the whale kingdom
And karma soon will come
Adding to Neptune’s tally
To the beat of his wave drum