Polar Bears in Zoo’s
It’s evil ugly and it’s wrong
In any zoo’s these BEARS
DO not belong
Primed to withstand Arctic realms
Winds and violent snow
MAde to swim for miles and walk
Not just to and fro
In a concrete prison cell
With a vile and smelly pool
Polar Bears need polar climes
You would have to be a fool
YEs anyone would tell you
ZOo’s will kill bears, they
Will just grow so demented
With every passing day
Polar Bears are dying
That my friends we know
ZOo’s are guilty Yes Zoo’s are guilty
As the world does know
Impervious to blizzards
Cold is what they do
They are creatures of the light
Made to just walk through
The ice the hail the biting winds
They demonstrate their power
But put them in a New York Zoo
And just ask yourselves how
ZOo’s who profess to love them
To care for them and will
Bring them out of paradise
Their blood and guts to spill
In hotter climes the foolishness
The arrogance the spite
The narrow minded
Miss judgements
That can never be seen as right
It’s consigning them to hell on earth
To evil from the start
It’s the Polar lands where they were put
Where they are just all heart
The ignorance and unconsciousness of zoo’s
Such profiteers
Who will sacrifice a perfect life
For a few imperfect years
Blind to their insanity
Unknowing of the fear
Blind to to the unhappiness
That’s very very clear
Inventive to feelings
Thoughtless to the way
HOw a polar Bears dies a little bit
Every sodding day
So they can raise their ticket price
Make some extra dough
Walk tall in zookeepers eyes
But honeStly just throw
Caution to the wind of change
And kill a precious Bear
The absurdity and futility
Of not leaving it where
Nature put it Nature knew
The world out there was good and true
Such understanding for the place
Extreme for some but there by the grace
Of God most high it’s place on earth
The region where it was of worth
It’s paradise it’s place to be
Not in some dank zoo regrettably
They come to die they come to be
tortured and lost to humanity
The wilderness their long term home
In the icy realms they roam
Imported into our hotter clime
To face the hellish March of time
The misery the lamentation
Abandoned for a generation
Let’s remember those we tortured and killed
GUS Central Park Zoo dead
TUNDRA Bronx Zoo still dying slowly
And all the other polar bears languishing is the assorted zoos