Yes its a year since our dad passed away
murdered by Palmer great man of decay
who fills patients mouths with amalgam and smiles
and bow hunts great lions and somehow reconciles
we heard many stories most of them lies
its something these hunters are good at, it defies
logic and caring for their denials say
for a moment of pleasure its really okay
our dad was our hero a most learned soul
who came to this planet
who was given his role
to play and be played
till Palmer came by
Palmer the arrogant dentists whose sky
was bigger than fathers
stretching across the sea
from America really to Africa he
with his deep pots of money
bought fathers life
his arrogance really created our strife
we could have been eaten
by another male
we could have, but Lion boys seldom de-rail
their own true reflection
for Cecil he was
the great king of kings
and that was because
he was given that title
it had been heaven sent
and Palmer got wind of it
which is why he spent
so much of his money
as you humans do
you can buy lives
with it, we know thats true
you feel you think your top
and we are just low
life in the scheme of things
but, you don’t know
Palmer pulls teeth
using mercury, he
fills up your holes
earning lots of money
and that amalgam
is buzzing around
in your bloodstreams dear humans
some of you, have found
its causing you problems
cancers maybe
and a share of the takings
is spent now you see
coming to Africa
bending the ears
of the poorer people
banishing fears
dad wore a collar
but money it speaks
people looked away
the government geeks
and dad was bow hunted
and fell to the ground
he made silent roars
roars we could hear
his agony lasted
too long it was clear
whilst Palmer was showering
and drinking his wine
and sleeping in comfort
our dad on the line
suffering terribly
hoping that he
could be taken by angels
could somehow be free
but it wasn’t to be like that
Palmer came by
the very next morning
refreshed we know why
and killed dad he shot him
thats what we heard
and honestly folks
we rely on the word
we heard from our father
contained in his roar
we miss him we loved him
and shall for evermore