
Its all intimidation
The pep talks that they get
The tetra packs
They can’t relax
Their hours are clearly set

The influence of WIFI
And microwaves create
A smoking gun of resentment
How to delineate
Spreading chaos through their being
They have to make arrests
Its all about the bonus higher up
Which of course tests
Their resolve we must remember
The pressure valves out there
Those trails disrupt the psyche
Leading into some despair

Our historic the Copper
Was never built to last
In fact he has gone for evermore
A feature of our past
Now brainwashed by a system
Not really human anymore
More like bleeding robots
Really out to score

The resonance is telling
The nerve and spirit does
Really stretch emotions
I mean at night they buzz
They are lost souls in uniforms
ROBOCOP the same
Though their mandate is adversity
Whatever people claim

The public on the other hand
Are suffering
The GM Foods fhe chem trails
Its all there
Fucking with their mental states
Really at alarming rates
Fluoride and thimerosal
Is creating a dumbing down
And a sickness through and through
Just as some of them are waking up
To reality
The clash is there you see
Between the two

Tetra towers are everywhere
Cell phone towers are too
Their frequencies are killing
and we don’t know what to do
Smart meters and wifi
A fog of digital grief
Anger riles the senses
And masks our true belief

Anyone who rises above the parapet
To influence the masses
Creates a sudden debt
Conspiracies are part
and parcel
Of our world today
And some are waiting in the wings
To just take us away

What happened at the memorial
Was edged with all of this
The public are now waking up
Their rip van winkle bliss
Coming to an end it seems
With piss takers in power
Exerting all their energy
In trying to deflower
Our soul our minds our energy
Making us believe
We are less than nothing
And their wish is to relieve

Us of our prized possessions
Our liberty our health
Our happiness our families
What was in fact our wealth
That is what they are doing
On a daily basis and we
Must wake up to this and be united
Or be lost in their great sea

Of anger and of sorrow or resentment
And the rest
Lay down being fearful
Wash away our zest
For living and encouraging
Others too as well
Just wait to be arrested
To join them in their HELL

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, ccorporate America, Conspiracy Theories, Freedom and what's happening to it, Patriarchal arrogance makes for danger. Bookmark the permalink.

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