I am that little dog

This street life
Is abominable
Traffic everywhere
People coming people going
Nobody will even spare
A moment just to see me
So insentient are they
Nobody hears my whimper
There is nobody to say

Hello boy how are you?
Nobody at all
I just dragged myself
Onto the street
Now trying to call
The angels someone somewhere
A samaritan who might
See me feel me care for me
Or I just may die tonight

I wag my tail
The last hope all my strength I need
To wag my tail
But it seems to fail
Will I ever succeed
In making someone help me
See me even they step over me walk around me
Every sodding day

My throat is sore like hell on earth
My body racked and worn
Insects crawling all over me
My flesh and skin are torn
My breath is now fast weakening
I don’t know what to do
One last prayer to the angels
Before I break into

The death roll into darkness
Despite the sun above
All I want is someone
Just someone to love
Someone who will pick me
and hold me as if they care
Someone who will love me
Someone who is aware

And then as if by magic
A young man did appear
He looked at me he kneeled down
He wiped away some fear
He showed me he was caring
He was gentle to me, he
Picked me up and loved me
He showed me I could be

Whole again he loved me
He cleaned me and I was
In his arms and feeling sore
But happy just because
He cared for me
A quality of life I have never had
A stranger came and showed me love
And though I was so sad

I felt his love his blanket
Of dreams swept over me
Hope had almost died a death
But now perhaps I would see
A new life somewhere safer
Cleaner where i could be
Happy and sharing and loving
My life eternally

Now I have recovered a lot
And I feel great
People still go about their lives
Uncaring of others fate
Many wait around the place
Really just to die
But if we really hope and affirm
Wherever we lie

The angels will come for us
As this man did for me
And now I am on your face book page
All of you can see
My wagging tail my parlous state
My big eyes pleading and
When The angel actually found
Me oh! I felt so grand

I know I am merely a mongrel
Who no one wanted to know
Eaten up with sadness
just expecting to go
To the rainbow bride
And the summer lands
But fortunately for me
An angel came from faraway
Who opened his eyes and could see

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
This entry was posted in activism, Dogs. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to I am that little dog

  1. Debra olivier says:

    This beautiful but terribly sad poem had me on tears from.the beginning. So we’ll written , I. Felt like I was living the life of the poor tormented soul of the struggling animal. X X X

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