
Despite the enormous privilege
That creation had bestowed
Upon this amazing planet
A very dangerous road
Out of man’s convoluted and inappropriate desire
Comes extinction quite untimely
And a situation dire

As to their authenticity
The Zoo’s they lost the plot
They probably never had it
Pissing in their pot
They forgot the sea’s had greater depth
And wildness was the way
Putting souls in prisons
Led to their decay

That isn’t rocket science
Inconsistencies were there
Equivalence of standards
Nobody would share
They basically were businesses
Corporate affairs
There to make a profit
And inflate their shares

Earthlings we are earthlings
All of us must be
Ready to extend our hand
Across the bright blue sea
Stop this selfish hunting
Stop this poaching realm
Stop these murdering pastimes
With evil at the helm

They all have played a bad hand
The reason was that they
Didn’t observe those animals
In fact they made them pay
They readily stole their habitat
And caged them and we know
Millions have died before their time
All part of the show

The pachyderms have suffered
Terrible injury
Cruelty beyond belief
Despite their supremacy
Abuse was seen as nothing
Our understanding poor
It was all about the balance sheet
And the margins were what for
They were run by city slickers
With no empathy
If stock died then you bought new stock
For them that was the key

Seeing the wild animals in enclosures
In a zoo
Didn’t make people conservationists
Nobody knew
The plight the utter torture
That went on behind closed doors
It was all about admission
And getting the applause

The Zoo in Copenhagen split the atom they
Riled the animals rights brigades
And the media held sway
Murdering a young Giraffe
And then making a display
Of dissecting the baby
An area that felt grey
Then feed the joints to hungry lions
Which all the zoo’s were doing
But only Copenhagen made it known
So what was brewing?

Ahead of all that carnage
Was clearly zoo’s were lying
They were culling as they say
I prefer to use the word to murder
And the day
Has clearly come around
And more and more young animals do
Get shot to death behind closed doors
In almost every zoo

But when Copenhagen announced it
Social media sprang
We heard volcanic vehemence
And all shared a profound pang
Of agony and misery
For what we deemed was wrong
And Copenhagen was censured
For announcing all along

Many of the zoo’s about
Were put there long ago
Before they had had experience
Most just didn’t know
How the animals managed
How the animals coped
And the suffering they put up with
Many appear doped

Education of the public
Was it science based
It was more a commercial undertaking
Giving us a taste
Elephants were suffering
Their legs and feet in pain
Arthritis and unbelievable soreness
The concrete was insane

They did not study the animals
They really didn’t care
They fed them on all sorts of rubbish
That happened to be there
The elephants grew very fat
And lost their will to give
Instead of eighty years on earth
19 they just might live

Working camps in Thailand
Saw animals in their prime
Having to pull great logs about
But their life span it did climb
Up to about 40 years
So the zoo’s were clearly wrong
And the animals were suffering
Abuses all along

It really makes no sense at all
Wild animals should be
In their various habitats
Free to roam and see
Their lives ahead in that vein
Not forced into some cage
And fed on so much refined food
So very hard to gauge

The killer whales and cetaceans
That swam a 100 miles or more
Every day stuck in a tank
It reached down to their core
So intelligent and needy
To the wildness of the sea
And to just be made to do silly tricks
And in a bath tub be

Of course being so unnatural
A habitat where fools
Talk up the orca’s joyfulness
In chlorinated pools
Going absolutely mad
In a lifeless way
And fed on frozen herring
And prozac so they say

Its arrogance and Sea World
Has so much of it, they
Think about their profit
And making more each day
Its enshrined in the boardroom
Thats what they have to do
Is get the people buying tickets
And buying shamu

Its a wretched spiritless journey
From the wilds of real creation
To the concrete hell that does just spell
Any kind of relation
These are social animals
With a language and a need
And to enslave them in a chlorinated pool
And make them bleed

Inside themselves the terror
Its written on their face
Their total disengagement
From the human race
Unattached and lonely
Radiating pain
Raked out of existence
We have broken their chain

Science it looks forward
But we should look back in time
Before we got this arrogant
And really tried to climb
Up into the heavens
Imagining we were gods
We could do creation
Us, a bunch of sods!

Hunting killing shooting
Trapping little souls
For fur for actual trophies
We had the controls
Lead shot in our rifles
Shot just everywhere
Picked up by the vultures by the eagles
And despair
By the Condors we could see them
Their massive wing spans high
Soaring in the thermals
Across the azure sky

But dying in the valleys
As they ate their carrion dry
And died of the lead poisoning
And no time to ask why
The so called conservationists
The bloody hunters they
Were thinking of their money
And buying lead, to say
Its cheaper than the tungsten
Its cheaper than the steel
And we don’t care a monkeys
That is how we feel

China should be made to pay
The criminality of murdering the Rhino’s
Its them they have to be
Charged with all this chaos
Now so few around
The Northern white theres just 5 left
That now has been found

It may come down to stem cells
To frankenstein for he
Will probably bring the poor souls back
From extinction tragically
As for the trophy hunters and the poachers
Still around
They should be strung up in the bush
And in their own blood drowned

Many lives have vanished
Animals and man
To imagine in the future
That the wild lands that began
The process of real living
Will all be totally fracked away
Drill heads logged out forests
And yet more true decay

And the animals left living
All brought back from the dead
The white coats with their egg brains
Who serve up total dread
By that time the population
Will have been culled down a lot
There will be robot armies
But you and me will not

Even be remembered so the animal earthlings
Possibly still be bred to eat
And us too they will kill

Nobody will remember the beautiful planet
With all its myriad wonder
And all its marvellous worth

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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