Hideousness and unsightliness
Peru and its cultural stand
Tie a dog onto the back
Of a raging bull
With considerable flack
Burning from his aching heart
Stomping the ground below
Whilst idiots clad in tradtion
Join part of the show
Not an ounce of wisdom
Not a hint of care
But lots and lots of anger
And of course so much despair
Beat the dog about a bit
Pull its ears and head
And send it off into the arena
Hoping it comes back dead
Its innards shaken from it
The bull appears to be
Tortured before it hit the ring
Its frothing dangerously
And the poor dog gets a thumping
Humped around the ring
The bull is trying to remove the dog
With an almighty fling
One must look at their culture
Heartless brutes they be
Torturing two animals
In the name of religion
I see
the evil in their demeanour
The unrefinement too
The vulgarity the gaudiness
Their shit is coming through
The nobility of the proud bull
The loyalty of the dog
The disrespect of the humans
Born out of some bog
Some slimy dark and horrid place
Full of nothing but the rampant ill
These so called fucking cowboys
Are nothing but pigs swill