Tall black fins

In the fjord the cold crisp water
Bites into the flesh and blood
Norway boasts a coastline
Where killer whales swim in the flood
Face of terror fin of black
Close family groups
To see a stack
Of fins together in the fjord
To see them Breach is a reward

Their mist sent forth
Their breath a clap
Of thunder let their spirit wrap
Tail slaps as the beasts converge
Cold laden nutrient riches urge
The herring boys are coming in
Huge schools of them
They bob and spin
The expectation and reliance there
As the killer whales come in to share

The bounty of the desiring size
Clairvoyancy before their eyes
They seem to dowse and radiate
And one by one
They then dictate
Their inventiveness
Is all around
With tail slaps and bubbles
And their weird sound
They trap the herring
One by one
And gorge themselves as they have always done

They are curious in so many ways
But wild and of course that wildness stays
Vivid and graphic they comprehend
Nudge you a bit as would a friend
But in their eyes inside their glare
You know someone is inside there
Looking back competing for
The sea around you they don’t ignore
Unfathomable it must be said
And elusive too within their head
Their mouth its teeth and their white tongue
You understand you are among

These giant apex predators
Are critical in so many ways
Gathering information they
Go through the communication phase
Their mystery is in plain sight
Harbingers of all thats right
Apostles in so many ways
The go between called up to raise

Our consciousness to greater heights
They affirm so much they put to rights
The contradictions that have become
Reality if for some
Those SEAWORLd enslavers who deceive
Who in their trapping of them grieve
Impugn their character and preach abroad
To chasten and to ill afford

Inquisitive the females come
Around the boats the rule of thumb
A bonding that we feel we might
Have with them but are we right
Is it our arrogance to try to be
Closer to them actually
Their rituals really are their own
Something we have never known

Those captured souls must forever be
In purdah that they are not free
To roam the miles they roam each day
In the blue and the frantic spray
Hunting others their predacious sweep
Instead its buckets of dead fish
We weep
for Tilikum and Lolita who
Have been prisoners now all life through

In a bath tub swimming in a soup
Not in their pod not in the group
The mendacity of the prisoners claim
The hypocrisy of their evil game
Was it wishful thinking on their behalf
The naturalness of a little calf
With its natural mother nursing whole
Some pay the malingerers every day
To make the Orca their mainstay

The elegance of the purists brush
That slapping tail that adrenaline rush
That distinguished surge of harmony
The adaptive hunts there constantly
They create their drama and play it out
They stage the action and then they flout
Breach themselves and flop and crash
Then just as easily score and trash

They are perfection in the sea
With an air of impeccability
Flawless consummate and good
Though their actions are often
A great activity and animation
Spurts and bursts each situation
Watchfulness and concentration
Right across the Orca nation

And they eat dolphins when they can
So who is there to save the man
Drowning in his own malaise
Not the dolphin wanting praise
So the killer whale that is not a whale
But a dolphin somehow they do fail
By catching their brethren one by one
And murdering them when the day is done
The killer whale when its suits them will
Kill anything and its blood spill

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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