Gin and tonic

To ever come to terms with this
The reaction that she got
From her mother from all people
Effusiveness it was not
I am here with someone
“Its gin and tonic time
There is no way. I can pick you up
You will just have to climb”

Back out of your misery
And sort your self out gal
That is when the penny dropped
Her mother was no pal
This was mother daughter stuff
She alone in all the world
Unctuously proclaiming
In hell she had been hurled

A great big place of darkness
A dead baby in her womb
An overwhelming tragedy
In all this doom and gloom
And a kind of awful stupor
The disinterest of it all
Impassive and cold hearted
And unconscious to the call

Blood stained were her garments
Left to realise
Nobody at this moment
there to sympathise
A mother is in person
Where intimacy does go
Here in all its glory
The fall out now would grow

How she had been grieving
Tearstained all the while
Whilst the mother knocked back gin and tonics
Thats the kind of style
So She had to wait for her husband
Who would get no time to spare
Really now at her breaking point
With nobody to share

Any of the happenings
The evil sick refrain
Unwelcome and unwanted
Clearly, somewhat insane
And the mother to this day
Has just forgotten the event
Whilst the baby girl
Was never born
She came and then she went

In the meantime there were
Mediums who partook of her plight
They spoke of long red haired
Young girl
Carrying the light
And subsequently aiding
The baby brother who
Had a disorderly sleep programme
But there was no way that she knew

29 years with the pain which is resident in fact
The anger and the wrathfulness
All of that still intact
Piqued and so embittered
Forbidden let us say
A bone to pick a crow to pluck
And provocation along the way

“Amber” was the lost child
Who drew the musical score
Who influenced her mother
Who its said she did adore
And the mother really to this day
Has not come to make it up
She has seemingly forgotten
Between candlestick and cup

Her tears would fill an idyll
Her heart was broken through
The memories have been with her
And are always there it is true
Pitiless ingratitude
Apparently is there
Ready to take on the world
Plunging it to despair

The mother child relationship
Was simply blown away
Nobody showed her any kindness
And there she had to stay
Suffering the humiliation
And her painful score
Unpretentious really sounding
That another war
is just around the corner
And whats more

A Curse upon existence
A denunciation dares
A philanthropy of silence
And sheaths of foreign prayers
The cynicism of it all
Nobody to greet
Amber would have been 29
Up to now her world complete

A women losing everything
The child she carried, she
Had to take a real big hit
And suffer it instantly
Losing the potential
Whilst gathering a child
Up into ones heart strings
Less it be defiled

The mother went to Hell and back
And cannot shake this free
A man will do whatever
The women though must
it all through
to its bitter end
And clearly this she tried
She never will forget her daughter
No matter who denied

One year or so later
Another pregnancy
Her waters broken twice it appears
But the first time no baby
The terrible worry surfaced
And disturbed the husband so
But despite the troublesome pregnancy
A child was born to glow

To draw the eyes of many
A boy in high esteem
The mother will not ever forget
The daughter she would seem
Already altogether clearly she was not
And it all got rather strained
Which no body liked a lot

What her mother did the first time around
Leaves really many gaps
The poxy gin and tonic excuse
It was like a game of craps
All the latent misery and solid
Lost in Such confusion
And what became a tragedy

She told to me this story
With red eyes and for me
I felt the enormous anguish
Trying to break free
But solidly within her soul
Lamenting to the sky
Amber she would cherish her
Till the day that she will die

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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