
Ric’s holed up in a Japanese cell
Brainwashing tactics
Must feel like hell
As all the while the dolphins die
Cut to ribbons and we all know why

So the unsuspecting Japanese
Can absorb the mercury
With such ease
Then Fukushima’s strontium tones
Is entering their precious bones

And all because of the strange disease
Known as insanity
The Japanese
Their Loss of face
Their Loss of heart
Just soul free infidels
From the start

The cove once blue
Has turned to red
Bodies strewn
So many dead
Cruelty is made to last
For dolphins,flags
Are all half mast

Each soul that perishes
Knows not why
Created that each has to die
Only the Japanese
Sink this low
Shenzo Abe yea he does know

Its an evil spark
That generates
And with the passing
Many fates
Tragically come into play
On emotions
Come what may

Whole families lost
In a red melee
Screaming children
Cannot free
Themselves as parents
With them die
In a daily blood bath
Whilst the question why?

Remains in the homeopathic
Where the dolphins perish
Troop after troop
Their blood pollutes
Their sinew too
Such negative influence
Fighting through

Humanity suffers
It has to be
The cove and surrounding areas
Dark and evil
A truly terrible place to be

Nemesis and the greater good
Will effect a pay back
As they should
the Japanese now as a whole
Will have to suffer
There is no tougher role

Than this as history
Makes it known
Tsunami’s and earthquakes
All home grown

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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