
To kneel before the sacred stones
Those ancients sarsen’s they
Home to countless lichen Spores
That gradually wear away
The granite the great spoilers
That can and will destroy
The hardest stones imaginable
Communities of joy

It be the Winter Solstice
A windy curling fright
A mystic revelation
Hiding in the light
Coming at me quietly
To cut me to the core
An inspirational epiphany
That truthfully I adore

My two, co initiates
Respected so by me
My best friend and a new friend
Joined through druidry
Witches by creation
Soulful through and through
The hedge really our true domain
The spirit of whats true

Mystical the teachings
The magic of the art
Enchanted by the wizardry
Directly from the heart
Attracted to the order
The sabbats are my guide
The natural world my mentor
In spirit I confide

Beyond today the meaning
Of life for me becomes
A heart beat in the ocean
Devotion and the drums
Exist where there is music
That drifts within my soul
And crosses to the farthest shore
Where I now take a role

Immortal and eternal
No one can become
Use the words to make it so
Beat the big bass drum
Hear me though I stutter
Hear me though I die
Hear me I am waiting
I hear the maiden cry
Can you hear my whisper
My breath though fading fast
My heart will always be around
For though my die is cast

I stand here at the crossroads
Peering through the trees
Hopeful I will see the light
Here upon my knees
I panic at the thought of that
My dear it seems that I
Soon will leave this auric veil
For somewhere else on high

My pentacle is with me
My crimson robe is too
Although you cannot see me
At samhain i see you
I will wander to the roll rights
And stand where we always stand
And if you feel my presence
That will just be grand

Our kinship is our journey
Our true affinity
A different generation
A sweet gentility
A symmetry of opposites
An interconnected role
A reciprocal functionality
And interlocking soul

A true authenticity
An equivalence as one
An uncontrasting constant
Behold the coming sun
Whose light will fill the universe
Its continuity
Endless in the scheme of things
In its circularity

The assemblage of masters
Behold the avid throng
The brother and the sisterhood
Where all of us belong
Our focus is our pilgrimage
To places near and far
Embracing every planet
And every single star

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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