Farmed Salmon don’t eat it

The other day
Was yapping,
On about farmed salmon
And they said
Just one piece is good enough
Despite the pcb’s
That sounds nice I thought
And the world at large agrees
Salmon’s cheap
And everybody’s selling it
Get down there
And have yourself a treat
The FSA was supposed to be
Our Guardians
But it seems to me
That this one’s got them beat!

Given they were told about the problem
With contaminants and all the other crap
The bloke got up
Removed his precious ear peice
Clearly he was in some kind of flap
Several souls have since come in
And told me
That they have eaten Salmon
And had thought
It was good nutrition
For their children
So 2 or 3 bits each week
They had bought
They were now concerned
The FSA bloke
Didn’t want to answer or redress
They were kind of lost and really worried
I told them straight
The world is in a mess

Stop eating this farmed salmon
A wild bold spawning fish
Should not be farmed
They had been harmed
Leave it out the dish
Bugs the size of trawlers
Were in amongst them and
Insecticides were bunged in quick
Which wasn’t all that grand

And after watching that bloke
Well there was just more stress
Could they take chlorella
And how could they redress
Perhaps some blue green algae
Some Miso Soup, seaweed
And what was going to happen
And where would it all lead

I’m just a poor old Hippy
Organic through and through
I don’t believe its right to farm wild fish
It just won’t do
It upsets me Organic Farms
Are getting certified
I think that it’s poor judgment
And I’m just not on their side

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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