
Whoever is responsible for this act of cruelty
Needs a bloody long time in a padded cell that’s
If you ask me
And it’s happened in Charleston
In the USA
Electric tape around her muzzle
And abandoned in that way

Hampering the ability to drink or eat
So tight
The tongue was caught between the teeth
Which obviously isn’t right
The blood supply to the tongue of course
Stopped so no blood flow
The pain must have been terrible
Just what kind of joe

Would have the hatred in them
To chastise in this way
If indeed that the reason
To be made, to pay
Such a price is horrific
It’s insanity to me
An unsound mind a psychopath
Complete lunacy

People stooping to this evil
Should never be around
Animals not ever they should have been
At birth not left to wander
Around this earth for they
Are clearly passed their life time date
And need to be thrown away

Imagine the disappointment that dog
Would sense and feel
The hopelessness the utter stress
That this action does reveal
This a loyal individual stalwart till the end
Unprepared for such gruesomeness
Supposedly mans best friend

If this vile individual could do his to his friend
It would just about defeat you send you around the bend

It maybe that the tongue cannot be saved
For dead tissue
May have to be removed alas
What else can one do

The mind would be so shattered
The implications here
For that poor dog to contemplate
Along with all that fear

For the human to have done this
Knowingly and just leave
The animal to suffer wouldn’t it just grieve
It’s heart out
And it’s breathing too, so affected by
The evil that is human
You cannot even cry

This would enrage an angel
And Anubis will I am sure
Be aroused and waiting
At the owners fucking door
And hopefully will attack him
And bite him really through
And take bits off his body
And very slowly chew

This was actual spitefulness
Designed to furnish
It’s sadism and barbarity
And there is no relief
Is there we can imagine
The outrageousness that’s here
This is pitiless violence
Anytime of year

There is a reward a 1000 dollars
For Caitlin just may die
The torture was so awful
I do not tell a lie
The vet described the injuries
And the torture as extreme
In all his days he had not seen
Anything as obscene

What the hell is happening
To people now out there
Who walk about the streets of Charleston
Breathing the same air
These must be fucking zombies
Heartless devils who
Eat their miserable breakfasts
Then this shit then they do

They share the same environment
Maybe they say Good day
Maybe they teach our children
Or, maybe they pay
A compliment to our daughters
Maybe they look and feel
And go off on one of them
And so show they conceal

Their craziness from everyone
Their lunacy and wrath
Hostile and revengeful
Following such a path
To hell there is no other place
Anywhere for they
Are totally malignant
Which anyone would say

It’s hard to know what to do with people
Who clearly bloody well suck
And the dog can we start to imagine
Every bit of luck
They had ever imagined possible
Dwindled just to this
An owner so dismissive
As to truthfully take the piss

And leave the dog in so much fear
For 4 days oh my god
A recidivist he must be
A really awful sod
He hasn’t got a heart to speak of
And certainly no soul
A vampire wouldn’t bite the bastard
Not even a tiny hole

The ingratitude of such a man
Thankless that he had
A loving caring thoughtful
Who earlier was glad
To see him when he came back home
Welcomed him everyday
And was treated as we know he was
In this vile and nasty way

We must send our thoughts to Caitlin
Hoping above hope
That the trauma faced is not too great
And somehow all will cope
The following days of agony
The following hours of pain
The frustration and the added fear
That it could happen again

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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