Can there be a worse crime carried out on the dolphins



The dolphins brains

are bigger than some humans

their feelings and emotions

are supreme

the bottlenose

its true echo location

creates a picture

kind of from a scream

we haven’t got the where for all

to do this

for they are so advanced

we should treat them with esteem


but the butchers of Taiji

they are abominable

the lies they spread

around the world today

the killing methods

that they use are  awful

pithing its so malevolent

its a way


of reducing the amount

of blood that gets into the water

by stabbing a metal rod

into the soul

then plugging it

with a wooden peg

which prolongs

the dolphins agony

their endurance is beyond all thought

such tribulation clearly sought

a writhing, bleeding, grievous testimony


to the unbelievably

ugly repulsive methods

and the lies told

about death and  mortal sin

under the tarps

we feel the hideosity

and the odious loathsome wall of woe

wears thin



we hear the weeping wailing

seaborne requiem

the hopelessness

that leads onto despair

the irredeemable irreversible

blood loss

and the murdering bastards

standing with them there


clearly terror crazed

and panic stricken


it just makes our blood run cold

to watch and feel

the agony they are feeling

the unmanliness

which the spiritless have sold



on mammals

of a very special order

their social world

both complex and we must

not discount their complexity

and not subject them to

such virulence which clearly is unjust


everything about them

is spectacular

their ability

to communicate and see

their long dependent childhood

their signature whistling forms

angels of the ocean they now be



killed and dragged

into a sea of crimson

of sinew and pod blood

that well may be

close relatives and lovers

even parents

there are no words

for what is infamy


beings so advanced

to have them suffering

before us in the cove

they call Taiji

is far beyond the realms

of anybody

only monsters

could do this actually



frogmen in their black suits

from the abyss

wrestle with the babies skiffs ablaze

outboard motors

cut through flesh, inevitably

this becomes a terribly hellish phase

bodies gaffed and wrenched

onto the skiff decks

brutality tails tied some dragged along

gulping back

the blood of dying relatives

just to watch this

one has to be strong



for to puke

ones heart up

seems the obvious thing to do

as tears wash down

ones face and the mouth feels dry

you want to scream so loud

it wakes the dead up

recounting what was the most awful lie


Taiji goes on about

its wondrous culture

its dolphin boats

its museum

and the rest

its truly though

the vilest place in all the world

for the  cruelty displayed there

all detest





About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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