Orca soul of the great ocean

The selfish money grabbing corporate shits out there
That will
Take the proudest Orca King
His majesty to spill
They capture and imprison
That huge heart and they make
Him feel as if he ought to die
Who’d do this for fcuk’s sake

To a soulful silent sentinel
A rover of the sea
Who has dimensions far above
Any possibly
That human beings ever could imagine
For they do
Sail the oceans surface and depths
All good and true

Through glinting shades of sparkling blueness
Curling onto froth and brine
Waves cajole their very spirit
Rainbow sprays the sign
Of freedom bursting through
The surf, to play in Neptune’s cave
To so explore the realms of more
And there sensations save

The wild despised ones
The pirates
of the piece
They will capture the kings heart
And, never release
Leave him holed up in some rotten tank
For years on end
Dying daily seeking deliverance
When really he was the friend

Of every single one of us
He sailed the oceans wide
He knew so very much about the world
And he relied
On human beings to look after
The precious world below
Instead they made it a dust bin
Destroying as we know
Filling it with PCB’s mercury
And more
And now with Fukushima
Filth too at the core
And capturing the sentinels
And slaughtering the rest
Life on earth and In the ocean
Is 40 years at best

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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