home is where the heart is
and my heart was always here
its where my folks shared everything
for me it seemed so clear
this was our home together
a warm basket by the stairs
pi water in the kitchen
and they tended to my affairs
I didn’t want for anything
my food was always there
always fresh and tasty
I never had a care
and, no interference
self determination
they were so bohemian
this was their creation
our home was really comfy
and happy so I thought
he was a gentle artist
and both kids did their sport
then one day it happened
a loud knock on the door
some men with great big lorries
they were gruff
I was not sure
i high tailed out of there at speed
not knowing what to think
the men came in and started loading
stuff, even the pink
bedding that mum gave me was thrown inside
their truck
they kicked my basket down the hall
and squeezed my rubber duck
they were moving everything
what was it all about
the family wasn’t anywhere
and the boss man could he shout
they cleared the house in a morning
and boarded up the door
they boarded up the windows
and drove off
and I wasnt sure
why all this had happened
where was my family they
must now all come back for me
if they have gone away
no food was left no water
nothing left for me
hours passed days passed
days and nights
where was my family
how could I survive this
why had they just forgot
I was part of their family too
and I loved them a lot
I caught some mice and ate a while
but realized that that if I
was now alone in this big world
I’d really have to try
and get by on less food and drink
and take it when I could
and live more in the parkland over yonder
which was good
over there more action
and reaction but then I
came back every night to sleep on the front step
and to cry
I cry a lot inside myself
most humans do not know
they go about their own routine
and us cats are down below
they cannot see us sadly
not unless they stoop
or crawl about the floor some do
or unless they spill the soup
so I ‘ve laid here for some weeks now
and nobody came by
then one day a van stopped outside
and a women and a guy
took me to the centre
where they look after me
but I still wonder what became
of my own family
they just upped and left me
that was a bitter blow
when you want so much to be loved
and finally you know
that nobody did love you
that nobody did care
the fact that you gave your heart to them
made no odds, so there!
at least you’ve landed on your feet
at least someones around
with the realization that you were born
and in pity you were drowned
nobody will love you
nobody is there
you were just unfortunate
chin up and be aware
I am aware
I am aware
really I am but I
look at other families
some that live close by
and I envy their existence
I just couldn’t see
I gave my heart to all of them
and they flung it back at me