I love Aradia’s garden
its detail and its lore
the apple by the bijou
the crystal over the door
the rue beside the comfrey
the betony stands tall
the rosemary and the heather
the totem pole and all
the mints the herbs
the sorrel
the rockery so small
its where the faeries come to dance
sometimes I hear them call
beside the wood store
some do play
a lute I think I heard
I love the lady claudia
and I hang on her every word
the green man welcomes visitors
the 2 cats love to be
near the dragon in repose
frequented by the bee
everything about this garden
and all in it that grows
is wonderful and peaceful
and fragrant to a tee
I love Aradia’s garden
Its where I love to be
sometimes I sit and ponder
where foxgloves grown from seed
sway and dance to melodies
and into that light all feed
majestically and impressing
the hare stands guard for she
enjoys the honeysuckle
frequented by the bee
I love Aradia’s garden
and everything that’s there
lily likes to sit with me
and often so does Bear
a wood pigeon may come to call
and lots of butterflies
and in Spring the golden daffodils
are a feast for all our eyes