Pins needles and fur

Shenyang a place in China

where animals are used for fur

living breathing animals

well at least they were


until you wanted a fur coat

a fur stole or a bag

till you wanted a collar a cuff

some in the rag


design this fur

into the clothes you want to wear

but do you think who was born with it

and faced the real despair


if you think and  see the films

of course you look away

you cannot bear to watch them

struggling,  they pay

in agony and terror

as the chinese rip the skin

off of their liveingbodies

an instant act of sin



its cheaper just to do this

hang them on some hook

with a knife and a lot of pull

and trying not to look

you rip the skin right off their backs

and cut it off their feet

their agony is terrible

their torture is your treat



in Beijing they have witnessed

a film and programme where

animals were made and clad in  needles

they did share

every animal had these needles

stuck into its skin

they were not real

but they made us feel

that it  really was such sin


it gets cold in Northern China

but why would we need to kill

why exact such agony

why  blood do we spill

fur is someone else’s skin

a cute sweet creature


needs its skin so obviously

much more so than you



the campaign went on

in the streets

in exhibitions where

people came to see the souls

who had perished in despair

550 thousand

three hundred and eight six

stickpins were sold and

the needles pulled out

a sort of fix


each needle  replaced with a strand of hair

a transformation

for then the animals looked

as designed by creation

people began to understand

fur was  very cruel

abuse was clearly evident

you would have to be a fool


fur farms were al so terrible

they were no place to be

cats and dogs and rabbits

and foxes  mysteriously

were kept in miserable cages

and terribly defiled

Fur is death

a bloody awful business

when you are wild

About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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