A grey sky holds such bounteous joy
to the poet who can see
all of nature in one gaze
or hear a symphony
played out upon a cool Spring day
perhaps a listless hour
when blossoms waved goodbye to him
upon a slender bough
a myriad of sculptures
tree spirits bold and high
of rooks that cluster in them
many baskets all so high
their babies deftly swallow
the grubs that came to be
collected by the parents
from the ground so avidly
and all under a grey sky
and a whistful silent breeze
the clatter of a birch embrace
lime like a fresh reprise
the Sycamore the Hazel
hold sway and cast the air
the pylns transmit energy
and receive it from elsewhere
shafts of light that only cows
can see do frighten, they
stumble across hills and dales
and all life stays away
rigin steel encrusted in sheaths
of rusts devour
a grey sky holds
such bounteous joy
from the magick in
its power
*written in Birmingham