Corporates feel they are beyond regulation

Coal ash and fracking

are  now somewhat lacking

in true long term thought

for us all

its the short term investment

that’s fuelling the programme

and few around hear

when we call


they put out a lot of confusion

the corporate policing we know

is biased and too heavy handed

like Barton Moss though

it will grow


it has to, for corporate arrogance

supported by Government now

will come back to haunt them

its happening fast

the Dan River Disaster

the die was cast


and now what we hear

is more spillage into

the Cape Fear river

and what that might do

is create much adversity right down the line

for consumers drinking water

this is a sign


we are at risk from the

fracking brigade

from the coal ash

and tar sands

on us they’ve laid

huge risks and we shall

be suffering too

when the corporate clowns

do what they do


6 populations will shake in their shoes

hearing about this

this horrible news

maintenance factors

produced this we hear

which is basically lost on me

drawing my fear


the pun not intended

Cape fear River will

collect up and tragically

harbour this spill


its profit above all else

that is their way

and they have too much power now

that’s all I can say


we have let them grow

into monsters who sit

very close to where we live

where our children sit

near their schools

near the countryside

breathing the air

drinking the water

we all now share

Corporates feel they

are beyond regulation

this just may be

our combined salvation



About Rex Tyler

I love animals. I enjoy writing poetry and delivering speeches.I like to mentor people who need help in preparing speeches and evaluations.I enjoy travel although it is much harder for me these days.I so enjoyed the Andes Mountains and Volcanoes and the Quichua people who live and thrive there.I have lots of friends around the world.
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